Thursday, February 28, 2013

The start of goodbyes

This post is somewhat bittersweet for me. I have been doing crossfit in Tucson since 2010 and when I started at purgatory last spring I really got pumped about doing it. I have seen my progress from the paleo challenge really improve my workouts immensely! I hope the hubby and I find a gym like this one where people push each other even if you are the last one to finish and get together to do things. They are like a big family.
Yay finished before 30 minutes!
Coach Aly and I (I look like a man)
  Another thing that is bittersweet is that our sign is up to get renters for our house. I really pray we can get a good tenant for April because that would help us out so much financially. Also, praying everything is okay with the house while we are away. I do feel sad to leave this house since it was our real first home we bought. Yes it's not my dream home or huge, but just has a lot memories. That's the life of the military though we get to make many more memories in other homes we will be in. We learn that our family is where the military tells us to go.
Someone want to rent this home please!
  On another note, paleo eating after the challenge is still going well. I highly recommend Paleomg, she has a such a funny sense of humor and really makes some delicious things like her apple cinnamon muffins! A favorite of mine. I have a dinner tonight (first time going to eat in a while) with my in-laws so hopefully there is some form of a meat and vegetable because I don't want to starve. Good thing I carry Lara Bars with me in case.

  Happy thing! My hubby is home in 3 days!! Woohoo! I miss him and packing alone is no fun! Well got to run errands! Toodles!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Crossfit Open??

Hello there! I managed not to get to write yesterday since I was so busy with other things. I did manage yesterday to squeeze in time with a friend to have her teach me to knit. I thought I would be really bad at it, but I get it. Yay! Now that I have the basics I can go on to reading patterns and go shopping for my own tools. She let me borrow her needles, a ball of yarn and a book in the mean time.
Want this t shirt if I can get my hands on this
  People are the gym I have been working out and sadly have my last few days left  are encouraging us all to sign up for the crossfit open. Basically, I guess it doesn't matter your skill level (still have questions about it), but you can participate with everyone else at home or wherever you are and starting March 6 through April 7th they will post 5 workouts over 5 weeks for people to compete in. For me, I just never have said okay I'm competing when I don't even think I would make it past the open or finish a workout like this. I am now considering it though..I could work out wherever I am at the time I guess.  Crossfit games open This link gives more info and shows a video where some naked guy from Australia is lifting heavy. Weird! lol
   In terms, of paleo still going strong with making my meals and not eating out really at all. Ok I lied actually I had one meal out which was take out Thai food and yes the rice is not paleo, but that's pretty much what I had. Speaking of cooking, the hubby will be home and where he has been he has not access to a kitchen so eating out everyday is part of his routine. I know it's hard for him so I cut him some slack. There is an e-book out there on how to manage paleo with traveling or being out. Eating out Paleo this costs a bit, but I guess gives some good information. I will let you know if I end up getting it what I think.

    I must get going, but hopefully later this week I can have a more insightful post for everyone. Later!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Your Mind as your Enemy

It's Monday meaning I'm getting ready to get my happy butt to the gym. It's bitter sweet since this is the last week with this gym I have come to adore. They have made me work so hard and gotten me beyond what I thought I could do with crossfit. On Saturday, I went in for open gym (that's where you can practice whatever WOD/movement on your own) and I got some handstands in. I had some assistance, but I was just glad I could get over my mind's fear of doing it. Everyone could be telling me I can do something, but the one thing that can talk me out of things in the past has been my mind. This is why I love crossfit because yes it is great to get in shape and shed some pounds, but it trains my mind to think in different ways than I am comfortable with.
No not me at all hope to one day be this awesome!
  A highlight to this weekend was being able to enjoy a nice glass of red wine and with some dark chocolate. Yummy! It's what I rather indulge in these days then lots of bread and pasta that only make me feeling icky after. Speaking of feeling icky and just not right after gluten filled foods, there is a good book out there that I need to read called Wheat belly written by a cardiologist who under the summary explained how cutting out wheat entirely prevented and stop a lot of health problems that modern day America is facing.
    I need to share with people this recipe I made from Everyday paleo, it's meatloaf! You simply just add some almond flour and tomato paste and get the same type of taste-even better! I didn't manage to take pics, but on her website you can get an idea of what it would look like. I even sided it with Brussel sprouts, which anyone that has grown up with me knows I hated that vegetable for such a long time. My mom would steam them for my dad and I would come home from school to that heinous smell! Now I learned there are other ways to actually cook them-like the oven! I love them now! Funny how tastes can change as we get older and also when eat whole foods and cut the junk out from our diet.
    Another highlight that is weekly is enjoying going to church on Sundays. I am a Christian and enjoy our community and messages I hear every Sunday. Going to miss everyone when we have to leave, but for now enjoying every Sunday with my church family. Anyways, our pastor related the crucification of Jesus to change and how the people that wanted him crucified were all about the rules and their perception of how they saw things happening. Having Jesus come around and shake things up for them in a non-traditional sense really confused and angered them. The message was not by any means defending the people that did this to Jesus, but it is just fact of how things were to be so Jesus could pay the price for us. I never thought of that perspective before of how the Pharisees were stuck to their ways and could not see the messiah in sandals before them, but rather quick to crucify Jesus. They didn't want change to occur in a different way than they were use to. I think that relates to present day (not the crucifying part), but how yes we have rules for a reason, but sometimes rules or traditions are just broken for good reasons. With our unexpected move, I just didn't understand that the hubs could be pulled from what he was doing it and sent to a completely different job within months and let alone the south again! I have nothing against the south..we actually are looking forward to the places we can explore (since last time was hard). I admit change that I can't control is hard for me (yes I realize military spouses should expect this) and especially in the sense when I have no idea what will happen in the next 6 months with a job for myself and housing. I am just praying for some peace and patience for myself so I don't drive my hubby crazy. lol Moving is stressful, but thankfully I am not doing this one alone like I had to do in some of the past ones. 

   If that wasn't an ADD post..I don't know what is. Sorry I must run off to the gym! Have a great Monday!!  

Friday, February 22, 2013

It's not easy squeezy all the time

 Well waking up after the Karen WOD was stupid. My legs almost gave out as I got out of bed. For a second, I questioned going to the box this morning. I am still going because I am that much addicted to the crossfit kool-aid. I will hurt..pretty sure. So I am happy that the paleo challenge is over, but not because I want go on a gluten and sugar binge now, but because I don't have the pressure to be so strict on myself. I am still going to try to stay gluten free even if I have a cheat day..I came to discover gluten is not my friend. Paleo is good for me and I got some great results in the right direction. I had no idea I would lose 10lbs and 2 inches off my waist. I just wanted to feel good and do it with a group of people to stay accountable. I know people who know what type of things to eat are like oh that shouldn't be that hard, but imagine a lifestyle of this. Going to parties or places where you see those foods you oh so loved to devour. It's hard..I won't lie. It's more money spent on groceries, but less on eating out. My hubby and I have just figured out that we want this for ourselves and any future children we have. With children OMG can't even imagine the struggles we will have to face at social circles, but I don't want that to discourage us. I never want anyone to be weird around us and there is usually some other snack foods we figure we can eat. I believe if you are respectful and informative to a host about your eating preferences and also offer to bring something to share everyone will be happy. We truly believe the health benefits outweigh the extra bucks spent on the grocery bill and the social implications.
Oldie of where we started out!

Best couple ever!
  In other news, the hubs will be home any day now! :) I must get crackin' on some more packing..right now feels like I am a little behind. I haven't done this in 3 years or so..I am little out of practice LOL. We have so much going on in March with moving and a wedding for my bestie Kelli!! I am so happy for her she has found someone that actually appreciates her, genuine, and has a great sense of humor! Here's a pic of them. :) I wish we lived closer, but the visits will suffice for now.
  I don't really have much else to update, but really need to get going to the gym. Later!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Karen is the pits!

Hey there! Guess what it snowed here and people don't know to drive because it's the desert-cacti aren't suppose to have an inch or two of snow on them! My dogs had a ball trying to play in it! I thought it was hilarious people would shut down schools for this. Nothing on the freeway was dangerous in my opinion, but hey I guess not everyone has been to the mountains that much like I have. It was a beautiful sight to see the mountains powdered in a winter wonderland. :)
   I did manage to make it to crossfit this morning and did the Karen WOD (work out of the day) which was 150 wall balls for time, 6 weeks ago I did it in 14:38 not at prescribed weight. This time did it at prescribed weight of 14lbs at 14:40! So that was exciting to improve in my strength. It's still a hard wod..a lot of mental goals were made to get through it. You may be wondering what the heck is crossfit!?! Well, folks check out this video that explains it above. I have been doing it since 2010 and can't imagine going back to a normal gym with machines that I never knew how to use properly anyways. I love the fact that no matter what movements we are doing we have someone there watching our technique to make sure overall we are safe and not going to injury ourselves.
    Since crossfit is where I learned about the paleo lifestyle, I can proudly announce our challenge at our gym officially ends tonight. Whoever, loses the most by judging of inches and photos gets 3 month free membership at our gym. I am pretty sure I didn't win, but hoping to see some results in the right direction. Plus, this was all for me, since we are moving in a couple weeks just wanted to set a goal for myself. I was not 100% strict the first two weeks, so that might not give me optimal results. At least in the gym I do see I have more stamina and strength than before.
   Paleo eating was much easier when I was not eating out so much. I could control the oils and ingredients in my food at home. I really saved myself money by not eating out hardly at all. I don't consider myself a bad cook, but not always super creative. So when I got this book Practical Paleo I felt relieved that nothing in this book was super complicated...Yes you DO have to actually cook and not just open a box and pour it into boiling water with some disgusting sauce. It really works out for busy people too..just prepare several meals on your day off for the week and it saves a lot of time. Anyways, so far my favorite from the book has been these lamb boats with avoziki sauce quite delish! I am sure my hubby will approve when I make them again. Also, made some Almond butter banana chocolate chip muffins! It's great you can use almond flour and coconut flour while eating paleo to make these yummies! Even some non-paleo eaters didn't know the difference! :)
  Well, I am hunger after this work out this morning and time for me to whip up some lunch! Have a great day!


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Paleo skeptical gone believer!

Isn't he so handsome!? Love him!
Hello world! This is the first time in what feels like decades that I have started up blogging again. I have decided to use this as a tool to document our journey as a family together in this military adventure we have embarked on. We won't be living in our hometown anymore( we were lucky enough to be stationed here for his first assignment for 3 years!) Now it will be a venture to the south after a summer of training in Texas. We were a bit hesitant before since we had been to the south during our first year of marriage and that was not great. More of the fact Alex had super long days and I did not have a job or schooling done. Now things should be different. He won't be a student and I am done with nursing school and can start my career as an RN! :) Yes finally graduated in my mid 20s, but at least I stuck to it. I have some pictures highlighting the celebration of my pinning. Enjoy! 
   Another reason I wanted to start this blog was to document my journey with food and my health. Back in 2006, I had my gall bladder removed due to a huge amount of gall stones that were giving me very painful attacks for the past year. The doctor said I probably had these stones since I was a child-who knows? The first year after that surgery everything was okay and I went back to eating my "healthy" eating habits. In 2008, I just kept having a lot of GI issues that I will spare everyone the details and by the time it was 2010 I was getting super frustrated and thought this is just the way life will be for me. Running to restrooms and having painful stomach aches seemed like a constant struggle I could not change. After joining a crossfit gym that year that I happen to stumble across after searching for KB classes I came to learn about paleo. I was completely skeptical and thought no way can anyone do this. Give up pasta, bread, sweets no way! After a couple repeated failed attempts and feeling completely crappy eating grains and processed junk, I came to realize very recently with a Paleo challenge at our gym that enough is enough, I need to embrace this lifestyle to feel better and be happy. You may ask what is paleo? Basically it's going to back to a lifestyle of eating during the paleolithic era (a.k.a. cavemen) where people use to hunt and gather their meat, seafood, nuts, veggies and fruits. Obviously in our modern times, you aren't expected to go kill a buffalo for meat and wear nothing, but mammoth skin unless you are into that. A lot of people have asked me so it's like Atkins right? Wrong, it's about eating whole foods which again include lean meats, wild caught seafood, eggs, veggies, some fruit and nuts. I could really go into it in detail, but feel these books do justice in explaining it all.
It starts with Food
Paleo Solution
Balanced Bites blog
      How does it link to my lack of a gallbladder? After doing a lot of research, I truly feel there is some form of gluten intolerance that leads to gallbladder disease and with surgery it takes away an organ we actual need contrary to doctor's beliefs. Since I don't have this vital organ, I no longer process foods like everyone else and make sure along with this Paleo lifestyle to take my vitamins and probiotics. Bone broth is also beneficial to heal the gut and there a lot of recipes out there to make this. This blog post from someone that has gone through the same issues really validates that choosing to eat Paleo is the best for me and my family. How to Enjoy bacon without a gallbladder
     Wow, for my first post I think I wrote a novel. Crazy! I don't know who will be reading this, but at least I know my hubby will and did I mention he is totally on board with Paleo. He amazes me and he has been nothing, but supportive through my health journey and school journey. Major shout out to him for dealing with me. :) Until next time everyone! Ta-ta for now!