Isn't he so handsome!? Love him! |
Another reason I wanted to start this blog was to document my journey with food and my health. Back in 2006, I had my gall bladder removed due to a huge amount of gall stones that were giving me very painful attacks for the past year. The doctor said I probably had these stones since I was a child-who knows? The first year after that surgery everything was okay and I went back to eating my "healthy" eating habits. In 2008, I just kept having a lot of GI issues that I will spare everyone the details and by the time it was 2010 I was getting super frustrated and thought this is just the way life will be for me. Running to restrooms and having painful stomach aches seemed like a constant struggle I could not change. After joining a crossfit gym that year that I happen to stumble across after searching for KB classes I came to learn about paleo. I was completely skeptical and thought no way can anyone do this. Give up pasta, bread, sweets no way! After a couple repeated failed attempts and feeling completely crappy eating grains and processed junk, I came to realize very recently with a Paleo challenge at our gym that enough is enough, I need to embrace this lifestyle to feel better and be happy. You may ask what is paleo? Basically it's going to back to a lifestyle of eating during the paleolithic era (a.k.a. cavemen) where people use to hunt and gather their meat, seafood, nuts, veggies and fruits. Obviously in our modern times, you aren't expected to go kill a buffalo for meat and wear nothing, but mammoth skin unless you are into that. A lot of people have asked me so it's like Atkins right? Wrong, it's about eating whole foods which again include lean meats, wild caught seafood, eggs, veggies, some fruit and nuts. I could really go into it in detail, but feel these books do justice in explaining it all.
It starts with Food
Paleo Solution
Balanced Bites blog
How does it link to my lack of a gallbladder? After doing a lot of research, I truly feel there is some form of gluten intolerance that leads to gallbladder disease and with surgery it takes away an organ we actual need contrary to doctor's beliefs. Since I don't have this vital organ, I no longer process foods like everyone else and make sure along with this Paleo lifestyle to take my vitamins and probiotics. Bone broth is also beneficial to heal the gut and there a lot of recipes out there to make this. This blog post from someone that has gone through the same issues really validates that choosing to eat Paleo is the best for me and my family. How to Enjoy bacon without a gallbladder
Wow, for my first post I think I wrote a novel. Crazy! I don't know who will be reading this, but at least I know my hubby will and did I mention he is totally on board with Paleo. He amazes me and he has been nothing, but supportive through my health journey and school journey. Major shout out to him for dealing with me. :) Until next time everyone! Ta-ta for now!
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