Thursday, February 21, 2013

Karen is the pits!

Hey there! Guess what it snowed here and people don't know to drive because it's the desert-cacti aren't suppose to have an inch or two of snow on them! My dogs had a ball trying to play in it! I thought it was hilarious people would shut down schools for this. Nothing on the freeway was dangerous in my opinion, but hey I guess not everyone has been to the mountains that much like I have. It was a beautiful sight to see the mountains powdered in a winter wonderland. :)
   I did manage to make it to crossfit this morning and did the Karen WOD (work out of the day) which was 150 wall balls for time, 6 weeks ago I did it in 14:38 not at prescribed weight. This time did it at prescribed weight of 14lbs at 14:40! So that was exciting to improve in my strength. It's still a hard wod..a lot of mental goals were made to get through it. You may be wondering what the heck is crossfit!?! Well, folks check out this video that explains it above. I have been doing it since 2010 and can't imagine going back to a normal gym with machines that I never knew how to use properly anyways. I love the fact that no matter what movements we are doing we have someone there watching our technique to make sure overall we are safe and not going to injury ourselves.
    Since crossfit is where I learned about the paleo lifestyle, I can proudly announce our challenge at our gym officially ends tonight. Whoever, loses the most by judging of inches and photos gets 3 month free membership at our gym. I am pretty sure I didn't win, but hoping to see some results in the right direction. Plus, this was all for me, since we are moving in a couple weeks just wanted to set a goal for myself. I was not 100% strict the first two weeks, so that might not give me optimal results. At least in the gym I do see I have more stamina and strength than before.
   Paleo eating was much easier when I was not eating out so much. I could control the oils and ingredients in my food at home. I really saved myself money by not eating out hardly at all. I don't consider myself a bad cook, but not always super creative. So when I got this book Practical Paleo I felt relieved that nothing in this book was super complicated...Yes you DO have to actually cook and not just open a box and pour it into boiling water with some disgusting sauce. It really works out for busy people too..just prepare several meals on your day off for the week and it saves a lot of time. Anyways, so far my favorite from the book has been these lamb boats with avoziki sauce quite delish! I am sure my hubby will approve when I make them again. Also, made some Almond butter banana chocolate chip muffins! It's great you can use almond flour and coconut flour while eating paleo to make these yummies! Even some non-paleo eaters didn't know the difference! :)
  Well, I am hunger after this work out this morning and time for me to whip up some lunch! Have a great day!


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