Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Still on the face of the planet

Happy 6 years to us!
I am sorry it's been a while. I just couldn't get to writing in this blog since I am have been super occupied with being awesome at crossfit! Just kidding I am not awesome at it..I have a lot of work to do before I can declare myself that. LOL I actually did just have a nice long weekend with my hubby celebrating our anniversary with a nice dinner at Fogo de Chao (Brazilian steak house=meat overload) and watching Star Trek, but the main event of the weekend was going to the crossfit regional games! I am over the moon excited and pumped after watching all those amazing men and women lift, push, pull  through that competition. It was so inspiring to get better and just being in the community it was just like being back in the box where everyone is cheering on the last to finish. That's what I love about crossfit; yes you get to cheer on and congratulate the first person finishing, but that last one is the one you are yelling with all your might to pick up that bar and keep fighting until the timer stops. We also splurged a bit on buy all this crossfit clothing. It's once a year so hey it's alright.
   What else is going well it was memorial day Monday, so we did a WOD called Murph that is starts with a 1 mile run then 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats and ends with 1 mile run. It commemorates service men and women that have served and lost their lives, but story about Lt. Murphy that loved to this work out and died getting a radio signal while insurgents fired at him.
Back tracking we went up to visit our friends who are living north of us about 3 hour drive and as well got to see friends that were in town from Arizona. It was a big reunion! So that was all great and fun. I sure miss my friends that I could just hang with after going to church. Church is not the same here especially when it's harder to get plugged in when we are only here for a short period of time for the hubby's training. We have to let our apartment complex know soon we have orders for the next place where we will be more long term stationed. It should go smoothly letting them since they have a military clause in the lease. I just don't look forward to moving into our home in the heat of August.
    So the paleo zone challenge is still going and there has been slip ups of us eating out with friends after regionals like pizza :( We are getting back on track and hoping to get some decent results. I don't need to win or anything just improvements in the waist line. I sometimes get so tired of cooking everything from scratch that I won't to throw the towel in, but must be patient and as well not fall off having grains again in my life. My stomach issues have been at bay so crossing my fingers that continues. I am still on quest for a job in nursing when we move to the next state here in two months. Crossing my fingers something good comes my way and I can remember things I learned in nursing school. I should just get my hands on a med/surg book as a review.
  Well I gotta run will update soon again! Toodles!

These girls are beasts such inspiration

Grand time with our vessel family

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