Last night we got to see a comet that is visible with the naked eye, but more impressive with binoculars! It's a comet that comes every thousand years! So that was super cool!
As we get closer to our venture date to Texas..we are making sure to go around to people we care about to say bye. Today I had thought about running or some form of exercise, but it was crazy busy with random things. I had cavities filled on Monday, but one was too high and my bite was off so went for an early visit to the dentist for a repair of that. I still have some swelling and pain from where the injections were to numb me. I went over to our house that is up for rent to watch them clean our carpets and as well have a friend adopt one of my giant plants. I love plants, but this one was ridiculously large for us to carry along. My thoughts for plants in the 1bedroom apartment we will be living to have balcony potted plants and a little herb garden started.
As the day went on we went to visit a friend of mine that just had her second child a week ago-a sweet baby girl named Brielle. They are so helpless and cute at that age.We will see when our little family will start in the near future. I am looking forward to the new adventures in this year. Tonight we had dinner with my parents and my in-laws as a last time all 6 of us could get together for a nice dinner. I guess it was steak house named Chad' was okay not great. I totally had a bread there a some apple pie...:( I know not paleo and total fail on that part. I need to not eat this crap anymore..I don't feel great after. Freakin gluten is like a parasite trying to eat my insides after I eat it. Also, it's like a drug that keep you dependent on keep consuming this damn stuff. I just need to buckle down and get back to where I was. I was nice enough to make some paleo muffins and brownies to share with the in-laws. They are good and being enjoyed.
Well, better get to bed soon. Night!
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